OUBLE- [ag TT \/
need to bring over 500? Alright, lain't that . 5 a troublesome student- heartless. C a Y Max Koberts * How 'bout you be my personal Vj eee Uren)
 Hey! Sleeping in class, huh? \*& Get up here and tackle this question!! <. /` How ‘bout | {throw youa challenge ? This is... singular integral? Even grad students... Nt ( ! So freaking bored... If you can't solve it, then you gotta put ona jerk-off show for everyone! No2. troublesome stu Samuel Wright Ugh... i darn itl! ec (oF Ss
Absolutely freaking useless, \ B No3. so many people and still not | troublesome stuHen enough to get me going. . Matthew Baker | ; L LI) how can you just gulp down a drink from who-knows-where? SIR? \ Daniel Suulivan wl Ty
We're in deep trouble now! These four hooligans uy are about to wreck s our schooll! Yeah, I'm the eighth in the ranks,and my big bro Four is indeed alegendary tough-as-nails teacher. / But, his... teaching methods are kinda unique. If you guys are willing to sign a liability waiver... Heard you has a brother, and his guidance is seriously top-notch, huh? Cy 2 aie Then we absolutely gotta get him to come help out at our school! I'm begging you! q
 Ah, ! He's giving me major creep I'm the special guidance teacher -- Ki Hell! [7 | . uma He eg? 2 EQ), {Fj q : TY Sy > \ Em’ vi N / NY you'll all turn into \ well-behaved \ little darlings! TN) \ will
No one in this school =, ry `| can take me down! p< > ee Want a fight? aD . ae y Bring it on! i me J ~fy i \\ \ oN v Uh 4) Who the heck | In rh do you think Hy you are? Il 5 He >
 Younaughty \U7g little rascal...
 Sir~ [know Imessed up, Here's a loving kiss for you. W As for the other }\\\` | naughty kids..
 Is that so? Then bow to me sincerely and say, YES SIR! I'll be obedient! But do you know why... ancient people invented 7 bowing as a gesture? 3 Z Tj
 misunderstood, » | didn't mean that, Iknow, I've got my own issues, but it’s instinct. You can't deny human instincts, right?,
 For example, someone who loves fried chicken, even if you forbid them from eating it... After a while, driven by desire, they'll revert to their old Exactly, NX old die habits hard! stop them is to stuff them with even more fried chicken!! Until they You dare to?!.. you actually hurt a student?!
No, he's in heat~ because my paws are coated with powerful aphrodisiac.
His behavior, does that Drugging... students like this... I'm goin to report you... a
 p By the way, your dosage is lower because | want you to stay conscious. B need you to experience how sickening it can be I to overeat fried chicken. Oh, really? Have you ever given those classmates u n't play bottom! / ( a
0 4 iS 3) No! Don't be ve sorough! b ~ The Cr | q ris |Z i My } , eS SS Ee can't believe € NO; wi J eS x S my body is
 We \ =>) (What are all these ? yi 0 ZA y NS hell are you installing?
Can... can you give me a break? I'm already exhausted, Sir... Come over and help! Young people can go multiple times a day, isn't that How about a double dragon entry? Your stamina can't be this bad,
ae, we “More and N &
Oh~ you don't have to worry~ During the process just now, I've been replenishing your energy! Epimedium and the like! See, aren't {you full of vitality agai
Within ten years, | don’t want to have sex anymorel! Little Panther, now it's only you who needs extra lessons, right? What a uccessful ducation! You can also become a good kid.
bad kids, you haven't actively bullied anyone. I'm going to use hypnosis to see what's bothering you deep inside. Show me why you started rebelling!
 That's amazing! From now on, if you keep getting perfect scores, I'll grant you whatever you want. - Can | ask fora 2 pet horse, too? 7 \ or / I (9X) S yf Cult Ps . 1 \ { y N \ 0 AS = Te Z\ 2 od Fa / : = ZA Andhowabout ™ , Z. ra fake beara! g You're a clever kid, so different from yy Id man. your ol ai > 7 I'll use all my abilities to nurture you.
 Dad~ Today | became the national math champion... x How is thi: low is this / = KS | ' a. To my dearest son: Over the years, I've accumulated alot of debt trying to give you the best. To protect you from debt collectors, Dad had to go to What are these? heaven first... I'm 60 sorry... —__] NS Bank debt notices? > Ws J So, all those tutoring fees were because of this?
y— Ss | You said that if | got SS 1 S , .——_ FSF sx S : All this time, A \ perfect scores, raf I studied hard just . grant me anything, to see you smile, Dad! — . didn't you? a! / Come back to me! . What's the point of being smart if no one praises me? What's the use of getting “® perfect scores?? I It does matter!! J Ew yy, m . S e J 4 “Roe Dad's dream was 2, CU] (U J to see you succeed. You've done great, and Dad has seen all your hard work,
Sy \)|__ of nonsensel! I never needed any of this!
 | don't need to be wizard! | don't need tutoring! | just like seeing Dad happy when a é you looks at my scores! Why did you overspend and leave on your own! The only thing lever You're right, wanted... was just Dad, from start to finish! you don't need to become any / But unfortunately, 1 U3 Dad's not so smart, Jp so | can only make yo (eZ happy ina rather dumb way.
Dad... Since we finally : met, can you indulge `== me one more time? Looks like the emotional blockage is cleared, another one resolved. Wait asec, Ihave one Huh? Aren't you already feeling
Honestly, , I've always wanted wT Dad to hug me... (\ J ~ A Please, use that big and bold thing to make me soar to high! Seems like there's still some lingering daddy issues to work through! In his perspective
Ke My sonis growing ; welll, aw me “A vie Dad... .itis os \ Shameful there... Kf It ‘seemed to be very ‘tender, and jthe cock was x inserted right away. It feelo 50 ‘good 4 ws Zi\t feels like | zi m dreaming~
and excelling in their studie: and respectful of others.
 Do you still believe in ‘human nature is inherently I still can't accept your good' and ‘gentle persuasion’? teaching style. You and | aren't different, it's just our ways of caring for students that vary.
Who do you think you are? What are you doinggg!!~? Special Instructor - Kuma Hell, is still reforming various schools. Troublemakers have become model students. Maybe... next time, he'll come to your school, right?